Personal training and massage therapy. Deep tissue massage, Sports massage, Remedial massage, Swedish relaxation massage in Croydon
The inherent recuperative powers of the body enables self-healing with the aid of complimenatary and alternative health therapies. Self-healing is still unexplained for the most part. But let’s be clear about it, to say that the body can self-heal ...
Acupuncture, Ayurveda, EFT (MTT) Tapping in Brighton
We are a multidisciplinary complementary health clinic offering more therapies than you have ever seen!! As well as weekly low cost clinics in many therapies, all at £25/hour, we also run Yoga, Pilates and dance classes. Workshops, free talks and ...
Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Nutritional Therapy in West Malling
During the initial consultation I always assess clients from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective and from a nutritional perspective.(There is no extra charge for this service) It normally takes about an hour and a half to fully assess a person...